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Message from RSC President Dr. Alan Kaye
As I said in my RSC President's Report at the Semi-Annual Membership Meeting on October 18, we are in the beginning phases of a potential transformation of physician compensation analogous to the RBRVS of the 1990s. While we may feel that CMS' track record on quality metrics is questionable, we need to play the hand that we are dealt and try to positively impact the process. On October 14, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the MACRA final rule, detailing implementation of its constituent Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs). The ACR responded to several key provisions impacting radiologists in the proposed rule from April 2016. Several of these comments were addressed in the final rule as summarized below. Overall, the ACR is pleased with the outcome of the final rule which clarifies requirements for radiologists treating Medicare beneficiaries under the new Quality Payment Program and represents a reduction in reporting requirements from the proposed rule. ACR staff will next do a thorough review of the entire regulation and prepare a detailed summary.
Linked is an overview of some of the key provisions of MACRA, Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015, impacting radiology, followed by an additional link of interest.
- Alan Kaye, MD, FACR